Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Weakening Of The United States National Defenses By President Obama

In just the past week President Obama has made this country look week on defense. This is where he has made the United States look weak:

1. His new nuclear weapons stategy,

2. The banning of certain terms from the national Security Document,

3. The nuclear weapons treaty signed with Russia,

4. If the US is attacked with chemical or biological weapons that the nuclear option is off the table for retaliation.

The combination of all of these together make this country look weak to it's enemies around the world. You need to look strong to your enemies to prevent attacks against this country and its people here and abroad around the world. President Bush kept this country safe from attack for 8 years after 9/11 there was no attack on US soil. President Bush took the fight to the terrorists. In just president Obama's first year in office there were to attacks in this country which were the shooting at Fort Hood and the Christmas Day bomber. These were small attacks but it shows that terrorist do not fear president Obama in what he might do as they Feared president Bush. I fear that before President Obama is out of Office there will be a big attack on US soil. I pray this doesn't happen by I do fear it more as he weakens our national defenses.

In his nuclear weapons strategy which will reverse 65 years of US nuclear weapons policy. This will lessons the deterrence factor that US has by having the nuclear weapons. By lessoning its deterrence factor it allows the US to be more vulnerable to attack by nuclear states and soon be nuclear states or would be nuclear states. His idea for doing this is to keep terrorist from acquiring nuclear weapons is naive at best. This will not stop countries like Iran from trying to squire nuclear weapons or halt North Korea from continuing to build its nuclear arsenal. I ran has already shunned this and his going to continue its pursuit of nuclear weapons. As for North Korea history shows what they are going to do. This new strategy is only going to embolden the groups that threaten the US. Also while also while campaigning for president he had a hezbolah security detail protect him while he was in the middle east, this would explain some of his nuclear policy that he developed.

I say just look back to the Cold War between the United States and Russia. The biggest deterrent each had was it's nuclear weapons arsenal. Each knew what would happen if these weapons were used and this kept them from ever being used. The problem with this Administration is that it is taking away this countries capabilities when it needs them most.

Now for the banning of certain terms from the National Security Strategy document. The terms that were banded from this document are Islam and Jihad. These terms were put in there by the Bush Administration so that you would know who your enemy was by showing what specific group of terrorist were being targeted. This was showing no disrespect to the Muslim people or their countries. There are radical groups in the Muslim world which are out to destroy America and Israel. They are a radical part of the Muslim people. by saying this you are not referring to all Muslim people. These terrorist go by these terms so they need to be used to describe them. You need to know who your enemy is and that is what this id doing by singling out a specific group in the Muslim world. by eliminating theses terms is going to make it harder for us to describe who our enemy is and who we are fighting against.

By eliminating these terms it is not going to make the US look better in the Muslim and countries. It is actually going to make the US look weaker in the Muslim world. The terrorist which now fear us less will be more embolden to try to attack us more. Look at Pakistan which is a Muslim country helping us in our fight against the Taliban. What are they going to think about this.

Let me set the record straight in one other area and that is President Obama was not the first to invent Muslim outreach. Guess who it was lets see oh my it was President Bush who is so criticized so unjustly by the Obama Administration. President Bush gave the white house its first copy of the Quran and also host the first ever at the white house Iftar dinner to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. present Bush always stated support for all democratic Muslim countries. This is why I say President Obama is headed in the wrong direction with this policy change.

The new Treaty signed with Russia over cutting back its nuclear arsenal by a 1/3. This will be a big deterrent lost by both countries. It will cut the arsenal to 1,550 per country which would be down from the current level of 2,200. President Obama is saying this a deterrent it is not but a weakening of deterrence. To be able to be deterrent you need to show your strength not your weakness.

Now to be telling your enemies how you would retaliate if attacked is crazy. You never show your hand or eliminate certain things you have to use in a retaliation. This is a big fear of mine that if attacked he might not even retaliate. I fear he will try to negotiate. There is one he has not learned yet you can not negotiate with a terrorist or play by rules. The terrorist do neither against you. The idea to say if the US was attacked by chemical or biological weapons that nuclear weapons are off the table for retaliation is crazy. The fact is chemical and biological weapons can kill thousands of people and it doesn't take much. God forbid the US is ever attacked with one of these weapons.

To me all of these policies of President Obama are significantly weakening this countries national defense. It is also making us more vulnerable to attack. I am praying that we do not get attacked but I am very fearful of it right now.

I will never understand how democrats think by cutting you military defense makes you stronger to the rest of the world. Before President Bush could retaliate for 9/11 he had to build up the military in areas that had been cut by President Clinton.

This is my opinion on all of this that President Obama is doing and it is just making this country weak and more vulnerable to attack. I believe his radical past has influenced him developing the policies here that he has made. It is also my belief in my heart that he is a Muslim.

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