Friday, April 16, 2010

The Road To Socialism With President Obama

In looking back at history that President Obama is the most radical president in US history. He believes government is the answer to and that government should control every aspect of society. He is putting the US on tract to having an economy as in Europe which he favors. Here are the areas where I see him leading us to a form of European Socialism

1. How he handled Chrysler ,
2. Control of banks that took Tarp money,
3. education,
4. cap-and-trade,
5. healthcare,
6. VAT(value added tax).

Lets look a little at what President Obama did with Chrysler. When they were going to file for bankruptcy he stepped in and made a deal with the UAW in all essence giving most of the company to the UAW. By he government giving Chrysler money to stay out of bankruptcy put its creditors at a disadvantage. Most of these creditors had already taken money from Tarp. This basically ment the government was controlling them also.

Now for the banks who took money from the Tarp fund. By taking this money they had to relinquish control to the government. The government took control of how much CEO's and executives would get paid. In essence the government now controlled banks that took Tarp money.

In education the government took control of all the student loan programs. The government took these loans away from the banks that were providing them. Now we have the government starting to control education.

For the biggest take over was in healthcare. The government here is starting to run the healthcare system by dictating how things will be done. The healthcare system is 1/6 of the US economy. The government is dictating what companies can charge. Also government is telling American people without health insurance they will have to buy health insurance or they will be fined. This first time in US history were the government has told its citizens has to do something or face a penalty. The government will be controlling healthcare in the private sector.

With cap-and-trade which he still has not passed through congress and i hope he is not able to. This is where the government plans to control the energy companies by dictating how they have run in respect to emissions into the environment. If the companies don't comply or meet these standards the will be fined with huge tax. All the taxes on the energy companies will just be passed back down to the consumer.

So in all essence what does all this sound like government control of business. So here is a basic definition of socialism broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Obama is trying to control certain major aspects of the economy. The biggest way the government can control the economy is through government spending itself. The way this works is the more the government spends the more it controls the economy. President Obama's budget is the biggest in history. He is trying to plan and control banking and financial services, automobiles, energy, and health care. To me this sounds like socialism. This is the beginnings of making the US economy into what Europe has which President Obama favors. Also the Obama administration is considering the VAT(value added tax). All of the European countries use this tax to pay for all their entitlement programs. This tax is a way to bring in a large amount of money through taxes. This tax is levied on the production of goods and products by a company. For an example a 10% VAT in the US would bring in $1 trillion dollars a year. The reason why governments like this tax is because it is hidden in the production of goods. The companies do in the end pass it on to the consumer by raising its prices on the products that they produce.
This is how I believe President Obama is a socialist just by his actions in how he has governed so far as President.

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