Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Healthcare Reform

I have worked in the healthcare field for 22 years now. Yes there are things in healthcare that need to be fixed but the system doesn't need to be overhauled or controled by the government. We see now how government can not run a program effecently or fiscally sound. I just say look at medicare and social security which are on the way to become bankrupt soon. Also medicaid is not run well also. We have the best healthcare system in the world and there is no need to ruin it with a government run healthcare system.

If congress was to curb the abuse and fraud in the medicare and medicaid programs there could be at least a $800 billion savings which some could go to help the uninsured get health insurence. There are other things that can be done to fix the healthcare system also. There can be tort reform which could also save billions of dollars. Private insurence companies could be allowed to sell accross state lines. There can be tax credits even to people to help buy health insurence. All of these ideas I support and have been brought up by the republicans but regeted by liberal democrats in congress and the Obama Administration. President Obama wants bipartism support now then he has to be willings to adopt some of the ideas of the reprublicans.

I see the abuse and fraud in the federal programs everyday at work. As I said we need to fix the problems in healthcare not overhaul it with government control. if you give business and the private sector the chance and help them the healthcare system can be fixed and we lower premiums and help lower the national debt.

All of this spending that is occuring now in Washington is going to do more harm to the economy and than help it. I say just look back to what President Reagan did for the economy back when he took office.

In this country healthcare is not a right or to be forced on anyone to buy with fines to be imposed if a person doesn't buy insurence. The constitution doesn't say the government is to provide healthcare for everyone.


The top of this blog I wrote before healthcare reform was past. I know that the healthcare reform bill that was just past is going to do more harm than good. I have worked in the healthcare field for many years and yes it does have things that need to be fixed but not overhauled like it has been now.

This healthcare is not going to lower healthcare cost at all. What it is going to do is raise cost in many areas of healthcare. The people that have healthcare insurance with a company will be able to keep it true but what they pay is going to be going up. From the rich to the middle class taxes are going to be going up in an attempt to pay for this bill. The thing is that there is not enough taxes to do that and pay for it and make it deficit neutral. The cutting of Medicare by $500 billion dollars is not going to help at all. What this is going to do is pay doctors less, pay hospitals and cut benefits to seniors. There is no way you can say you going to cover 32 million more people and there will be no cost increase at all.

Another thing that is going to be happening is that doctor are going to be retiring early, quiting their practices and less people going to school to become doctors. I know that this is true because I have talked to many doctors and have received the same answer from them.

The reason why people in this country are so upset about this bill is because they can see all of this happening in time. The democrats just rammed this through because it was an entitlement they have always wanted and it was was the big Obama program he wanted to get passed. They new they had to do it now while they had such a great majority.

What needs to happen now is that Republicans need to run on how they are going to repeal and replace this bill. What they need to do is tell the people what they are going to take out of the bill. They also need to let the people know what they are going to be doing to fix the bill. I believe the republican ideas are they right ideas. In November we need to return the House ans Senate in congress back over to the Republicans.

We are on the right road to returning this country to were it should be with the Tea Party Movement. This movement is returning us to our true conservative values. When Republicans stuck to their true conservative values this country flourished. I just point to the Reagan Years. I can also point to the Clinton years when he worked with Newt Gingrich to get this country headed toward a balanced budget.

I also believe another Contract With America witch all republicans sign off on is needed like in 1994 with Newt Gingrich.

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