Saturday, August 4, 2012

Now is the time for Republicans and Conservatives to stand united behind Mitt Romney only together can we defeat President Obama

As is my title only together can we defeat President Obama. As in the saying a house divided can not stand. It is the independent voters in this country who will decide this election. These voters are not far left liberals or far right conservatives. These voters hold the views of both parties and need to be respected for their views. It is not just one belief or the other that will capture their votes. Just to go back to the Republican primary for a little bit. It really disgusted me how all the candidates went after each other. We are all here for the common goal to defeat President Obama. One more thing that disgusted me was all the republicans and conservatives going after each candidate saying how they weren't what they wanted and was no way they could support them if nominated. We are a party of a diverse group of people which hold many of the same beliefs and some that are different. This diversity is something that we need to embrace not discard. By embracing diversity the Republican party can attract different groups of people once never thought they could attract into the party. Within our party are conservative and moderate beliefs and neither are wrong and should be respected. I am a conservative but I do respect a moderate republican for their beliefs even if I don't totally agree with them. Now is the time for us all Republicans and Conservatives to get behind Mitt Romney 100%. We need to start getting out message out and for it to be united message against President Obama. We need to be doing like President Obama is doing against Mitt Romney and spreading doubt about him at Bain Capital and his taxes and being an out of touch rich guy. This has had some affect in the battle ground states which can be seen in the polls from those states. It is our turn now to counter that message with our message on how President Obama has mishandled the economy and has no idea on how to help get jobs being created here in America. Also we need to show how he has little belief in capitalism and how business in the private sector can turn this economy around. Let's remind everyone today how President Reagan did it under worse economic conditions than today that President Obama is facing today. I want to help Mitt Romney get his message out to the people. I want to help people see his economic plan for the country and how it will bring this economy back strong. We need to can all the liberal attacks on his plans and ideas. I want the American people to see the stark difference between Mitt Romney and President Obama. let them see how President Obama wants government control and how Mitt Romney wants to make government small like the founding fathers had wanted and written in the constitution. I did not write this to offend anyone. I am a conservative and work with the Tea party in Richmond Virginia. I want us all to come together as one to defeat President Obama.